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Count on Michael Cochran to Fight for Your Rights

A family signs papers at a table, discussing Child Custody And Visitation - Michael Cochran Law OfficesAre You Curious About Your Rights During A Child Custody Battle?

Child custody disputes are stressful. Many times, parents feel as though they must fight these battles alone. Unfortunately, many don’t reach out to a child custody and visitation lawyer, so they miss much-needed guidance.

It can take some time, but being able to have a schedule of seeing your child that works is crucial to you and your child’s relationship. Divorce and separation already can take a significant toll on children. The absence of one parent can create a great deal of strife in a child’s life. We aim to help you fight for yourself and your child through an appropriate visitation schedule.

Allow Us To Put Our Experience To Work For You

We have many years of experience practicing family law. Although the circumstances we encounter can be rather grim, the victories for families are well worth the effort. With our knowledge of child custody and visitation, we can create the best strategy for you.

Compassion and fairness aren’t just our litigation style; they define who we are. Each case has allowed us to prove how dedicated we are. Let an experienced child custody dispute attorney from our firm help you with your case.

Have You Been Handed An Unfair Visitation Schedule?

Child custody hearings are meant to emphasize the best solution for the child. When the adults can agree amicably, the court often approves the arrangement. However, in many cases where the adults can’t reach an agreement, the court steps in. No matter the circumstances, having a responsible and coherent child custody and visitation lawyer will ensure your rights are respected and your voice is heard.

Our Baltimore, MD Firm Can Be The Support You Need

A child custody and visitation lawyer can be valuable for countless reasons. In the same way that each family is different, no child custody case is one size fits all, and many small details differentiate one situation from another. Because of this, it’s best to find your legal counsel from a vetted and knowledgeable child custody dispute attorney who has experience handling a wide range of these cases and found outcomes that serve families in the long term.

What Does The Court Consider When Approving Or Modifying Custody Agreements?

There are many different attributes to consider when seeking to create or change an existing child custody agreement. Some critical assessments center on the following:

  • Moral character of parents
  • Reputations of parents
  • Fitness of the parents
  • Length of separation from parents
  • Maintenance of familial bonds
  • The best interest of the child
  • And much more…

When challenging a custody arrangement arises, the points above can serve as starting points for discussions. Many times, current arrangements aren’t completely discarded, and while a new agreement would need to be entered and signed by a judge to take effect, it would include improvements made in these areas.

Michael Cochran Law Offices Are Here To Help

For parents seeking a reputable child custody and visitation lawyer for new custody cases or those who need a child custody modification lawyer, Michael Cochran Law Offices can help.

We serve our Baltimore, MD, clients with commitment and empathy. No two custody arrangements are the same, and these very delicate cases require patience and understanding. Our firm is ready to assist you in pursuing modifications or represent you in your current situation.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with our office at (240) 433-5247. You can also read more about our services and contact us here.

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